Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Oh the Places You'll Go"

I am so excited to be spending time outside. You wouldn't believe how much I am learning everyday! I love to push around my wagon and go on walks with Mama and our friends. There are birdies out everywhere that make me laugh, and they live in trees that have these green things on them called leaves. I have gotten really good at pointing to pictures of things in my books, like leaves, puppies, kittens, teddy bears, the moon, telephone, boats and more. You should come read with me sometime. Last weekend we went to Gramma and Grampa's new cottage and Grampa read with me. That is a fun place. They have kayaks that I can paddle in with Daddy. I can hardly wait for the summer to warm up the water a little so I can swim. Lucy will be excited too. We have so much fun playing catch together that throwing the ball off the dock to her will be even better.

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